I meant to write something pithy and listy on Friday. No big deal, I thought, I'll just do it on Saturday. And here we are, one hour to go on Sunday night. Here's what I've learned about myself recently: excuses are not my thing. I just don't care to give them or to receive them and react to them, any of it. It either happened or it didn't. Moving on.
We are inching forward with the whole reality of 3/4 of our income disappearing in February. {It's more like 2/3 at payday, but losing the benefits are what's really going to hurt us.} I've scribbled down a few notes on what I need to start thinking about and tomorrow night we're going to do a bit of planning. Overall we're still pretty positive about the change but I think the rolling exhaustion we had this weekend -- sleeping 9-10 hours, taking shifts with the kid in the morning so the other could bury themselves in the covers -- may be related to us processing the news.
If there's something I'm good at, it's dwelling. Luckily the house was dingy so I spent the better part of my weekend cleaning it. Why and how does everything suddenly go to hell at once? The kitchen took most of Saturday. Today I finally got around to the bathroom, dusted, took out the trash, folded clothes, grocery shopped, and even made a loaf of bread. Did it ever feel good to put things in order! Also, what a great excuse not to keep putting off this very serious planning!
I enjoy a good epitaph or memorial. Found one yesterday that was bittersweet: "To the tree -- your three apples miss you." That's enough to make me miss the tree, too.
I'm annoyed with myself because I forgot to check before I went to the store to see if we needed garbage bags. (We did.) And now I've concluded that it makes the most sense for me to stop at Target tomorrow morning because we also need laundry soap and diapers. That better be it, because I hate getting in Target cycles. It's like Target is a hydra, and every trip I take there spawns three more trips because inevitably I need something. Blech.
Relatedly, one of my to-list items is probably going to be "really figure out how to reduce your consumption."
The bread I stayed up late to bake is out of the oven. The cats are asleep, the rest of my family is asleep, I should be asleep. Good night.
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